Our Team

Executive Leadership

Adjunct Associate Professor Simon Keating

Group Chief Executive Officer

Matthew Clarke

Chief Financial Officer

Rebecca Atkins

Group Human Resources Manager

Jeff Arthur

General Manager Property & Projects

Michael Quirke

Chief Executive, Hospitals & Day Surgeries

Dr. Christine Howard-Brown

Chief Executive Health & Wellbeing

Neetha Alex-Kumar

General Counsel & Company Secretary

Leadership team and senior management

Darien Montgomerie

General Manager

Heileen Adriaanse

Theatre Manager

Jhazel Cervantes

Quality & Infection Prevention Co-ordinator

Karen Tickelpenny

Gastroenterology Team Leader

Elinore Harper-Spiller

Ward Services Manager

Michelle Moses

Support Services Manager

Tina Garde

Education Coordinator

Alongside our Directors and Senior Management, we have our incredible staff and specialists working with us at Bowen Hospital.