Robotic Orthopaedic Surgery

Robotic-assisted Knee Replacement Surgery

The aim of robotic-assisted knee replacement is to remove and replace the knee that has been damaged and replace with an implant. This is done by the surgeon utilising the robot to plan and execute the precise replacement suited to your exact anatomy measurements. The robot does not move on its own without the surgeons guidance.

What does this procedure involve?

A robotic-assisted knee replacement follows similarly to a traditionally knee replacement but instead of the use of hand held tools and measuring the robot assists by  the use of an infrared camera and optical trackers to help your surgeon gather the necessary data about your anatomy to position the implant. The robot also houses the tools the surgeon uses to remove the damaged bone.


Benefits of a robot-assisted knee replacement

  • A greater range of motion (how well you can bend and flex your knee after surgery)
  • Less pain compared to traditional methods
  • Faster recovery times (reduced length of hospital stay, hospital readmissions, and health visits)

Driving Robotic Surgery in New Zealand

Wakefield Hospital is home to the VELYS Robotic-Assisted Solution, a state-of-the-art 2 million dollar robotic assisted surgical system designed to facilitate complete knee replacements with faster recovery times.

The VELYS RoboticAssisted Solution helps surgeons perform knee replacement surgery that is tailored to each patient, and is
designed to provide digital precision and accuracy to get the patient back to the things they love.